Monday, July 16, 2007

Lament to Agincourt

Sous la terre d'Agincourt
Mon amour, il dort toujours.
Dieu me pardonne,
Je déteste l'anglais,
Même lequel que j'ai marier.
Sous la terre d'Agincourt
Mon amour dors toujours.

In the earth of Agincourt,
My true love sleeps ever more.
God forgive, the hate I bear,
To the one who brought him there.
Even he, to whom I'm wed,
I hate him for my lover's dead.
In the Earth at Agincourt,
My true love sleeps ever more.

I was ashamed to do,
What it was that I had to.
Married to an Englishman,
Orphan I was, no choice was held
Ward of a King and exiled.

In the earth of Agincourt,
My true love sleeps ever more.
God forgive, the hate I bear,
To the one who brought him there.

I yearn for my home when spring is young,
When I pray, when song is sung.
God grant a Saint to take back the land.
The blood-stained Earth now demands.
I swear that blood shall cry anew,
I hold this Oath and damns it too.

Sous la terre d'Agincourt
Mon amour, il dort toujours.
Dieu me pardonne,
Je déteste l'anglais,
Même lequel que j'ai marier.
Sous la terre d'Agincourt
Mon amour dors toujours.

After years in the SCA I never wrote I song I truly liked of my own music. Back in January or so my muse plunked a song down with a chorus that arrived in French. I went to French Immersion school for twelve years, so it's not that surprising. The second and last verse as it is repeated is a loose translation of the chorus, mostly to make it scan.

I like looking at the story from the loser's perspective.

Edit: This is the final version (at last!) Updated, 2010.

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Compiled Period Works for a Young Bard