Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I have previously written my acrostic in the style of François Villon, in French. First, the actualy French again and then an English translation by request.Translation doesn't keep the acrostic or scheme, just gives the meaning.
Allons-y au départ, c’est l'aventure ou rien
Liaisons d'amour ou amitié main en main.
Ile de France, centre belle
Est-ce que tu es encore fidele ?
Noyant pas dans l’hiver tristesse
Ore de printemps arrive en vitesse
Remplie mon cœur en son jeunesse.


Let us go for the journey, it is adventure or nothing.
Perhaps a love song or just friendship, hand in hand.
Ile de France, center so fair.
Are you still true?
Drown not it the winter for sadness
Now is the time for quick spring gladness
Fills up my heart in her youth.

Compiled Period Works for a Young Bard